
Integration: ThingsBoard and Efento NB-IoT sensors


Efento sensors have recently been integrated withThingsBoard IoT Platform. Thanks to this integration, from now users of ThingsBoard will be able to easily and quickly add their Efento NB-IoT sensors to their ThingsBoard instance. 

To learn more about the integration and how to connect an Efento sensor to your ThingsBoard instance check out our tutorial.


ThingsBoard – Open-source IoT Platform

ThingsBoard is an open-source IoT platform for data collection, processing, visualization, and device management. Among many features it enable users to:

  • provision, monitor and control IoT entities
  • collect, store and visualize data
  • define relations between devices, assets, customers, etc.
  • visualize data and share dashboards with others users
  • raise alarms on incoming events, attribute updates, device inactivity and user actions

ThingsBoard is available as a cloud hosted product or users can set it on their own servers. 

To learn more about ThingsBorad, visit the platform’s website.


Efento NB-IoT / LTE-M sensors were developed from ground up to meet customers’ needs. Sensors measure over 20 physical and chemical values and seamlessly send the data over NB-IoT and/or LTE-M networks to Efento Cloud or any other cloud platform. On top of that, they are equipped with all software and hardware features a modern IoT device needs.

News & events


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