Monitoring of temperature, humidity and air quality in office and residential buildings

Comfortable working conditions

Temperature, humidity and air quality under contol

How to choose the right temperature and humidity in the rooms?

Temperature and humidity should be selected primarily depending on the purpose of the room. Comfortable values for people are assumed to be 20-23˚C and humidity 40-60%. These values are also safe for the building and objects inside it, such as furniture, books and fabrics.



The loggers are accurate and reliable, durable and easy to maintain.


Secure software with encrypted connections – proven in over 300 large installations with up to 1000 sensors.


There are no subscription fees for using the Cloud.


Manufacturer’s warranty 2 years.

Quick and easy implementation

How does it work?

Efento Cloud

What and where you should monitor

Temperature and humidity

Temperature in the range of 20-22˚C – values ​​in this range provide man with the so-called thermal comfort – a condition in which it feels no heat or cold. This temperature should prevail in mixtures, homes or offices. Too low temperature causes discomfort, too much drowsiness and excessive sweating. The exception to this rule is the bedroom, where the temperature may be lower (18-20˚C).

Humidity in the range of 30 – 65% – this is a comfortable range for humans, and additionally safe for objects in the building and the building itself. Too high humidity causes the development of mold, fungi and viruses and has adverse effects both for people staying indoors and for the building structure itself. In turn, too low humidity causes drying of the skin, difficulty breathing and discomfort, but it has no adverse effect on the building.


    Indoor air quality

    Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) – these are substances that occur as by-products from products used in rooms, such as paints, solvents, cleaning agents, air fresheners, inks, etc. These substances are harmful to health, which can cause, among other allergic reactions, dizziness and malaise. At room temperature, these compounds get into the air and are inhaled by people. Volatile compound concentrations should be monitored on an ongoing basis and should not exceed recommended standards.


    Server rooms, archives, boiler rooms

    Sensors can be used to monitor the correct operation of devices. Thanks to that, it is possible to monitor, e.g. correct operation of aggregates, pumps or air conditioners, as well as supervision over the water temperature in boilers and pipes. It is possible to supervise rooms exposed to flooding, such as server rooms, archives, etc. Placement of a flood sensor in them allows immediate reaction when a leak is detected. The alarm sent by the sensor is sent directly via SMS or e-mail, which allows for a quick response. Emergency messages can be directed directly to the building manager or to a team of technicians who can remove the failure in the shortest possible time.


      Space monitoring

      The presence of guests / customers in the company – the use of meters at the door allows for precise measurement of the number of people entering / leaving the building or individual rooms. For sales companies, you can create statistics showing the relationship between customers entering the store and making a purchase.

      Number of parking spaces – the use of pulse counters allows you to remotely control the number of parking spaces, so you know how many of them are free or occupied


      Power consumption

      The use of wireless sensors in real estate allows you to build energy-saving models. An extensive monitoring system using temperature, humidity and air quality sensors together with the use of meters can create a wireless network that allows you to control expenses and oversee real estate.

      Control of media consumption for billing purposes – building owners and property managers, for whom the priority is to reduce energy consumption, i.e. reduction of costs related to heating and caring for the safety of the system, should consider the possibility of using a monitoring system and remote energy management in buildings. The use of electricity pulse counters allows remote monitoring of power consumption. Meters working in Bluetooth Low Energy technology count consumption in kilowatt hours and save them in their memory and then send data to the Efento Cloud platform using the Efento Gateway. This allows you to monitor the consumption of electricity and respond to changes on an ongoing basis. For example, when the air conditioning is turned on in the room and we open the windows, there will be a sharp increase in the operation of the air conditioner and thus greater power consumption. Increased consumption will be registered by the sensor and we will be notified.
      The situation is similar in the case of water, the pulse counter for water monitors its constant flow. When a pipe leaks, a pipe breaks or the tap is unscrewed, the amount of liters of water counted increases very quickly. Setting alarm thresholds directly in the application with which the meter works allows you to generate an alarm in the form of an SMS or e-mail with the current exceedance. The speed of action in this case gives the opportunity to avoid losses associated with flooding the rooms.


        Case studies

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        Check it yourself. The starter kit includes all you need to test our solution:
        - Efento Gateway
        - Bluetooth Low Energy temperature and humidity sensor
        - Unlimited Efento Cloud access
        - Free shipping worldwide

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